Protecting the future
Protecting the future
Protecting the future
Protecting the future
Protecting the future
Protecting the future
Protecting the future
26th May 2023
Wind turbines globally face a variety of challenging weather conditions; warm winds, cold winds, strong winds, 360’ exposure, constant waves, sand storms, changing temperatures, hail, rain, and snow. They have, and will, see it all.
These fierce environmental circumstances are the perfect recipe for causing corrosion to creep into crevices, at flange connections, ladders and walkways, and to the protective paint coatings applied at the start. All these elements in a downward spiral can lead to further corrosion, which can in turn eventually cause more severe structural failures.
In order to help the wind industry excel in the current energy market, we need to provide the proper protection to these vital renewable energy systems, ensuring they have the longevity to make renewable energy truly sustainable.
Powered by STOPAQ, EasyQote products are doing just that – providing vital protection to the wind industry and renewable energy systems as a whole with their simple and efficient solutions.
EasyQote is a polymeric renewable energy coating designed with the concept that a corrosion solution could be applied simply as a sticker rather than painting or spraying. It is 100% plant based and therefore safe for both user and the environment as well as being simple to apply.
This latest evolution of technology from STOPAQ comes from a history of innovation and a track record of success. STOPAQ was the permanent corrosion solution first brought to market in 1983 as a sealing solution, followed by the WrappingBand technology in 1997. The brand continues to innovate with the EasyQote range of products and a new high temperature WrappingBand product that was successfully completed and patented last year.
To see examples of where our products are providing protection you can access the full article at Wind Energy Network
This article was published in Wind Energy Network Magazine May 2023