HDD, an abbreviation for Horizontal Directional Drilling, was first developed in California during the 1970s, and allows for the trenchless installation of pipes, cables, filtering wells, oblong structures, and other devices near the surface while avoiding disruption to roads, rivers, lakes, cities, or protected environmentally sensitive areas above the drilling operations.
The nature of the HDD process means the pipe is subjected to a number of external factors. The ARO coating is the first line of defense that provides mechanical protection for the anticorrosion coating and the pipe against the different types of sharp and blunt rocks.
Before an Abrasion Resistance Overcoat (ARO) coating is selected for a HDD project, the engineering firm in charge of the project conducts an investigation. The procedure involves generating site characterization information relative to the design, permitting, execution, and certification of HDD Pipeline Installations. This information will allow the engineer and contractor to enhance design, control risk, and improve the overall integrity and long-term performance of the facility.
Passive Features Investigated:
- Geological factors
- Topographic/hydrographic details
- Geotechnical aspects
- Stability of the bore geology.
- Earth material deformations
- Groundwater
- Stratification
Active Conditions Reviewed:
- Crossing Geometry
- Drilling conduct
- Subsurface voids
- Site Integrity
- Installation Timing
- Drilling Mud
Among the factors affecting the HDD project, the appropriate selection of the ARO coating is the most important decision in relation to mechanical protection. Based on the site investigation information, the requirements for the ARO coating are determined, such as flexibility, impact, compression, gauging, abrasion, and field and application restrictions among others. This information will be used to define the coating selection and installation sequence such as the total dry film thickness requirements, coating installation sequence, field joint coating solution, etc.
Seal For Life offer a number of products for use in HDD situations, from liquid epoxies by Powercrete and Canusa, to additional mechanical protection from ScarGuard and STOPAQ.